Venomspitter Hatchling

Twitches legs.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012
Can be found south of Windshear Hold in Webwinder Hollow with larger spiders.

1-14 of 14
1-14 of 14

Breed / Capturing Guide :
Of the 13 spider types within this moveset, this is the only option for the HH breed.
Took a lot of tries to find my rare but after some patience, i found one (:Â
Was looking for a rare coral snake and realized I was missing a rare venomspitter so while waiting for the snakes to respawn, Â I decided to try for a venomspitter. On my 4th one, it was a rare (B/B). There were tons in the area and I bet if I kept looking I could have found a better breed rare, but I'll level this one and see if I decide I need better later on. Now to go back to waiting for the coral snakes to respawn...
There is a ton of these in Webwinder Hollow, approx. 56/70
Full clients in Stonetalon Mountains at 56 /
Webwinder follow for sure so many there and my second encounter was a rare :) /happydance
They respawn very quickly, so I didn't feel bad checking them to find a rare. Â I had to clear the entire area to find the rare, but like I said they spawn so fast it doesn't take very long :D
Straight South of Windshear Hold - Webwinder Hallow - North of Sishir Canyon
Webwinder path
got my rare the frist try.
If you dont see Webwinder Hollow on your map it isn't far from the lumber camp and coral snake that you can get from this zone, the loc is 58, 70 area.
Just go south from the lumber camp and to a little west.
Number 25 was a rare for me, 3 commons, 3 uncommens and loads of poor (18) before that. There are many spiders and they seems to be respawning fast.
The spawn rate on these is very fast, making finding a rare version very easy, and great for farming at that level.
Found a ton of these at Webwinder Hollow at 9:50 AM server time.Â