Vicious Broodling

Twitches legs.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 7.0.3 | Posted: August 2, 2016
This pet spawns around Felsoul Hold. It shares spawn points with Thornclaw Broodling, but has a lower chance of spawning.

Got this right after the other broodling in Felsoul Hold. They can spawn at the same time. Rare.
P.S. The rare hits like a mack truck so have actual pets in the other non-turnip slots if you're looking for that. The other 2 pets seem to usually be flying pets in the area so have something with magic for cleanup.
What is it @ BI wild pet spawning rate? I cannot find hardly any spawns for the safari pet quest at all. There were only two spawns of broodling when I went. Poor and common quality. I could not find any hog nosed bat spawns and I wiped out the critters in the harpy area. Pls add more spawning Blizzard!
Get at least one, preferably two, flying pets in there to tank it. The rare ones will kick your ass.
Despite their low rarity, I get the sneaky suspicion the quality of the pets is INCREDIBLY high. I've seen four of these guys so far, and all were rare quality.
I love this guy! I dont understand why he doesn't get a higher battle rating, this guy is a staple in the majority of my battle parties.
Found mine at (33, 69) at 11:30 pm.
Found one at "25.75, 58.95". First one I engaged was a rare.
Saw 2 between 1 and 2 am server time. Both rare of course, as that appears to be the only way they spawn. And having only 1 breed means if you see one, you're done, which is sweet.
Found Rare at 19:27 server time 32, 63. Spent about 30 minutes killing all the Thornclaws.
Got a rare quality one at 35.50, 78.80 today at 7:40am realm time.
got mine @ 32,83 830pm server time suramar and it was a BLUE one! :)
Found one around 11:30 AM game time, also found a couple around 11:30 PM game time.
Got mine @11:38 p EDT. :)
I apologize for not being able to say Where I found mine. Thanks to flying, I was able to find this guy and finally capture him after killing the previous 3 I ecncountered ny misjudging the damage when attacking. I finally just used my Anubisath to poke hime down and then 6(?) trap throws.
Got lucky and found one just outside the entrance to Felsoul Hold. Since some are speculating that spawns may be time-based, I got mine at about 11:20 pm realm time. Happy hunting!
It's a timing thing. I ran around for hours killing Thornclaw Broodlings (once I'd captured both breeds of course) and I could not make the Vicious appear. So I logged out for the night. Next day I found three of them within 10 minutes of logging in - all rare, (I think that's the only kind). I captured just one of them since there is only one breed.
Clearly when it's time for them to spawn, they spawn, and no amount of running around nuking Thornclaws is going to help.
Can across a rare to the left of the F like everyone else. Rare - first one I've seen in the 2 hours I was looking... accidently killed him. :(
rare primary outside Suramar cave 34.00/73.91 11.30 am realm time
If the pet has spawned but you need to clear trash to get to it, please please please be mindful of any items or trinkets you have equipped that do aoe damage. After killing critters for over an hour one finally spawned between two mobs and my trinket kindly dropped a meteor on the pet, killing it instantly.
I did manage to get another to spawn about 20mins later in the same spot, which I basically stripped down naked to capture!
Rare 32.5, 76.15. Spawned after an hour or so of running around the area killing critters and pets that spawned. Primary.