Droplet of Y'Shaarj

Droplet of Y'Shaarj
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
Is absorbed by another player's summoned Happiness, causing it to despawn.
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.4.0 | Posted: September 10, 2013
This pet has a chance to drop in the Flexible, Normal and Heroic versions of the Siege of Orgrimmar raid.
Players can also win this pet by using a bonus roll (Warforged Seal) after defeating Sha of Pride.
Players can also win this pet by using a bonus roll (Warforged Seal) after defeating Sha of Pride.
Level 0:

1-10 of 10
1-10 of 10

Excellent aoe focused pet. Pair it up with Blightbreath, spam Acid rain and Breath to win. P/P is the best breed!
Got mine for 8k That is the first time i've ever seen it below 10k. 3200 is a steal. I'm just happy i got this pet. I've wanted it for so long.
I got mine yesterday for 3.2k on the AH. Bargain.
@ Tana I feel P/P would be the best breed. Of the other two breeds, one boosts HP just a fraction and the amount of speed boost you'd get from the other two breeds doesn't make it competive in PvP and are wasted stats.
I have the p/p breed. Does anyone know which one is the best? Or is it so OP that it doesn't really matter?
I can confirm I received this from a bonus roll on the Flex difficulty Sha of Pride. So it is possible to get this from a bonus roll. Happy hunting!
This pet in PVP is WAY over-powered at the moment. Unless you have a STRONG Anti-Elemental pet to kill it quickly, expect Acid Rain and then Dreadful Breath until either you get lucky and kill it, your frontline pet is dead, or your backline pets are at or below 1/3 health before you ever kill the thing...
I want it BAD! Tired of losing to it...
Just picked it up on the Ah for 20k, love it, gonna lvl it and see how she works!
I just saw there is a hotfix going in that takes this off the LFR loot table. It will once again only be available in flex, normal, or heroic.
Got this pet to drop on LFR from the Sha of Pride. First time running it.
Very awesome pet.. I am not sure but I think I may of got it off my bonus roll. Everything was pretty chaotic. Good luck