Nightmare Treant

Nightmare Treant
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
1 allowed
Patch 7.0.3 | Posted: August 2, 2016
To collect this pet players must complete the following achievements:
- Aquatic Acquiescence
- Best of the Beasts
- Dragons!
- Flock Together
- Master of Magic
- Mousing Around
- Murlocs, Harpies, and Wolvar, Oh My!
- Ragnaros, Watch and Learn
- Roboteer
- The Lil' Necromancer
These achievements challenge the player to defeat 12 out 15 Master Tamers on the Broken Isles with teams comprised of pets from the same family type.
Master Tamers will occasionally pop up through the World Quest system for level 110 players. 3 random Pet Battle quests pop up daily, but it's entirely possible that a Master Tamer will not appear at all on any given day.
Progress on these achievements are tracked account-wide, so players can use alts to battle a specific Master Tamer using different pet-family teams to advance through the achievement faster.
Level 0:

1-7 of 7
1-7 of 7

@Muleskjnner: "...Nightmare + Call Darkness = 0% healing. Bye bye nap healers. :)..."
Currently also Caverndark Nightmare and Nightmare Whelpling have'em both, with other school 1st ability slot, instead of elemental/elemental, they have aquatic/critter and dragonkin/dragonkin attacks respectively. Dunno which one is harder to obtain, as all of them are pain in the a**, lucky me, have them all ;)
PS. Yet another appeared - K’uddly, very very unique, well worth to have !!!
I finally have this fella! When you look at the achievement you may think it is too much but do it in your stride, and you will achieve this in no time! What a great sense of achievement. I also used an ingame mod, called Feline Familiar Helper. › World of Warcraft Addons › Battle Pets
When you click on a WQ Battle Master, the app will launch itself showing you the trainer completion, this alongside Xu-Fu pet guide, makes this easy! dont give up!
Got it finally some days ago, the randomness of the WQs may drive you mad sometimes, but it feels pretty good when it's done. ;)
ugh...this IS a nightmare to get!
Its pretty annoying that you cannot re-battle them after you do the world quest to get credit, making this achievment take EXCEEDINGLY long...ughhh
Nightmare + Call Darkness = 0% healing. Bye bye nap healers. :)
I found a great sight to help with this achievement Xu-Fu's Pet Battle Strategies. Here is a way to do the achievement faster. Use a 2nd 110 that has not opened world quest and go to the trainers location. You can do the battle repeatly if you don't have world quests open. That will allow you to do all the familys on that trainer in one setting. This however, does not work for the trainers in Suramar City.