Dragon Kite

Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Tail flutters in the breeze; may be struck by lightning.
» Video
Paper fluttering in the wind (constant)
Loot code required.
From November 15, 2022 to November 18, 2022, watching Dragonflight content on Twitch for at least 4 hours rewarded the Dragon Kite to connected Battle.net accounts. Unlike the original version, the Twitch Drop version of the pet is not cageable.
This pet is redeemed through the extremely rare 'Kiting' loot card from the World of Warcraft March of the Legion TCG expansion. The card may be scratched to reveal a code allowing access to this pet. The code may be redeemed at Blizzard's promotion retrieval page. The pet may be obtained in-game from Landro Longshot in Booty Bay.
It may be struck by lightning that travels down the tether and shocks the owner, creating an interesting visual, but doing no damage. Lightning strikes occur about once every 10 minutes (2 minutes when raining).
The Dragon Kite can change its color (black, blue, green, or red) each time it's summoned.

i had one already, and got another from the Twitch drops promotion, the one i had that came from the TCG card, is cagable and can sell it on the AH, but the one from the Twitch drops can NOT be caged
I just saw it offered on the Black Market.
nice got one for 15k thrall AK sweet looking pet
This is one sexy looking dragon kite! It's huge and follows most mounts!
I wonder how to see the lightning bolt effect. I waited for like an hour it hadn't showed.
As of 11/27/2022:
This should count as two different pets! Apparently not here though. One is from TCG, and tradeable, the most recent one from Twitch is not tradeable. My first one from TCG is purple-ish; new one is green...
Any other insight about this?
does not disappear when you mount on your water strider ;) yay! and yes there's 2 breeds s/s and b/b
This pet being the only flier that does mechanical damage at the moment (5.3), I planned his future to be my beast counter, but his only source of mechanical damage is Call Lightning, which has the best synergy with mechanical abilities. Call Lightning itself has a 3 round CD and he has no other mechanical damage, so his kit feels like a little missed opportunity to me.
Still, I've gotten a couple of tells asking about the pet and how he flies over you is priceless.
Just won one on the BMAH for 115k. It stands above a raiding party and flaps beautifully in the wind. It changes colors every couple minutes. Awesome.
I just got mine today, mine is showing S/S on Petjournal Enhanced but based on the stats it's a B/B breed, glitch with the mod or did they remove the other breed of kite with 5.2?
This pet is the only hard counter/double counter in the game for Beast, which is nice to have against the late bosses in Panda, because almost all of them have a Legendary Beast in their team.
As of 2/16/13 it looks like they've fixed the color change for the Dragon Kite. I've been bouncing from place to place and every time it pops up with me it's changed colors! Hurrah!
I've been wanting this little pretty for some time and finally got lucky with a random booster pack. YAY!
Very surprised that there's 2 different breeds of these.
From what I can tell, the only reported are S/S and B/B. Unless there is another that is super rare, I believe these would be the only two, or else we would have seen reports by now.
So I happened to have 2 of these guys in my journal and discovered they come in 2 different breeds. Is this a bug or intended? Can anyone else confirm a 3rd breed? I have a S/S and a B/B
Color doesn't change but the lightning bolt animation does still hapen. Got mine last night and have watched it get struck by lightning tons of times since then. I love it! And since it is a Flying pet with one Mechanical ability, it is amazing versus beasts!
Just bought this now from the AH - 67k which i didnt think was too bad - its huge, even bigger with a pet biscuit - well worth the gold :)
Not sure when the fix went live, but this pet does now battle. It also will fly along with your flying mount. The pet battle animations seem a little wonky though, not sure if thats intended.
I still havent had this guy switch from the Onyxia colours since 5.1. I really hate this, it was the thing I really loved about this pet. If it's a bug I really hope it gets fixed. :(
it's still not a battle pet ><
Update: It has been hotfixed,it's now battle pet now.
Prices for the dragon kite have gone way up--it will battle in the new patch 5.1!!! I wish the Tuskarr kite would battle too, I love them both :(
This pet can be on the Black market auction house