Dutiful Squire

Dutiful Squire
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Player vs. player combat required.
Limited to alliance characters.
Limited to alliance characters.
1 allowed
Patch 7.1.0 | Posted: October 25, 2016
This companion is rewarded to Alliance players that have earned Honor Level 5.
Players that have unlocked this PVP reward can use a max level Horde character to purchase the opposing faction's equivalent pet for 500 gold.
This companion is peaceful and cannot participate in Pet Battle encounters.
Prior to Honor Levels, this companion was rewarded at Prestige Level 7 (2017). After the system conversion from Honor to Prestige, this companion had its Honor Level-requirement changed.
Players that have unlocked this PVP reward can use a max level Horde character to purchase the opposing faction's equivalent pet for 500 gold.
- Alliance vendor: Captain Roberts
- Horde vendor: Sarah the Savage
This companion is peaceful and cannot participate in Pet Battle encounters.
Prior to Honor Levels, this companion was rewarded at Prestige Level 7 (2017). After the system conversion from Honor to Prestige, this companion had its Honor Level-requirement changed.
1-10 of 10
1-10 of 10

Now requires Honor level 20.
Some toons, like warlock, DH & mage can order up a stone that completes one non-elite WQ a day, which can do one of the PVP fights. I've always picked the one that rewards 500 HP a day. Just dinged level 5. No fighting needed.
As of Patch 7.3... Players that have earned a Prestige companion on one faction can now purchase the companion of the same rank on the opposing faction.
Requires you get to New Dalaran, speak to the PvP vendor and buy it for 500 gold.
I reached my first prestige rank in a few weeks of JUST doing the tower WQs- no battle grounds, no arena WQs. Prestige rewards are obtainable without a hard grind. It just takes time. It was easy enough that I may do it again on the opposite faction as a downtime activity.
Just a quick note, this pet appears as Common quality on WarcraftPets.com, although it's (a) not a combat pet, and (b) cannot be upgraded in quality anyway.
You get this from reaching Prestige 7 on Alliance side. Like the Alliance Enthusiast (Prestige 1), Horde Fanatic (Prestige 1), and Dutiful Gruntling (Prestige 7), you must reach the appropriate Prestige level on each faction to obtain all of these pets. For avid pet collectors, this requires an incredible amount of honor grinding.
Bad news it appears this and the horde one are Prestige 7.
I don't know if I can stomach doing PVP for this :(
Prince Anduin?
I don't know how to get you beautiful updated squire model but I will have you!