Sister of Temptation

Sultry Grimoire
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Admires her fingernails and slaps her behind.
Vocalizations (periodic and on-click)
Causes hearts to appear over nearby critters' heads.
3 allowed
Warlords of Draenor
Patch 6.1.0 | Posted: February 6, 2015
Collecting this pet is one of the requirements for the achievement Raiding with Leashes III: Drinkin' From the Sunwell, which rewards the pet K'ute!
Similar to the Dragon Kite, this pet is a color-changer. When summoned it can be either the dark blue/black version or it can have the red skin.
Read more about this pet in our Pet of the Month!
Similar to the Dragon Kite, this pet is a color-changer. When summoned it can be either the dark blue/black version or it can have the red skin.
Read more about this pet in our Pet of the Month!
Level 0:

She's a color changer isn't she? I like the full Goth look better than the weird red and puke green thing she's got going once in a while. On that same note, I can't seem to find the black version for my profile pic. I can only get the red and she's not even admiring her nails! That's very important! ...for me. n_n
Possibly my most used battle pet due to her versatility (P/B breed). Siphon Life + Humanoid Passive + Haunting Song gives her a lot of sustain in PvE situations. If you're leveling pets, that AoE heal will keep them at full health. For PvP I switch to Agony and Curse of Doom, then swap in a tankier pet once she's put in her damage, and wait for the big burst.
Don't touch what you can't afford
Wasn't too enthused when she rotated into the line-up for levelling. I was surprised by her survivability as she cracked that whip again & again & again. By the time she reached max level, I knew I had a solid humanoid battler on my hands. Tough on her own, also plays well with others. Not keen on available breeds, however. Dislike balance in my battlers. lots of potential for good synergy with other pets. Her comments & sound effects during battle are also pretty amusing.
This girl puts in some serious work for me. Between her damage/heal over time, her party heal, and her regular humanoid healing, she keeps herself and my team alive. She's saved my bacon more times than I care to say.
I hope they will get rid of the drab grey/blue color scheme for her, or give us an option to choose which color will be her default, the red one is just so much prettier.
It honestly makes it less fun for me to summon her, in my opinion, despite that its a good pet in general.
One of my favorite pets, she's very versatile. A Humanoid with all Undead-type damaging abilities, along with a self-healing DoT and a team heal, makes her deceptively durable.
I like to roll with Curse of Agony, Siphon Life and Haunting Song. Sure, there may be a couple rounds where you're just refreshing Siphon Life while waiting for CoA to finish or Song to come back up, but you're still getting over 100 HP/turn and constantly doing damage and splashing your back row with heals.
With this switched to the updated model, has anyone else noticed the purplish red (Like the warlock pet) variant has become the orangish red variant?
This pet's idle makes me slightely uncomfortable, with the slapping of her bottom and the moaning....
Good pet though! xD
I've noticed a lot of folks recommend the Unborn Val'kyr to go up against Tarr The Terrible in Nagrand. If you don't have the Val'kyr, a great substitution is the Sister of Temptation.
Take the Sister, Creepy Crate and a carry pet (lead with carry, then swap in Sister). You'll win almost every time. She's a great pet against other humanoids, and pretty easy on the eyes too!
The color change still works; It has worked everytime that I have summoned a Succubus, I summon the sister while it's being conjured and the sister shows up as pink.
So today I did a lot of summoning and dismissing this pet, and it seems that right now all five of the ones I have appear blue-grey when learned in my journal (I was putting several in cages and such), but can all be summoned in pink as well as blue-grey. You just may have to summon a few times to get it to show up in pink.
Prior to 6.2, there was an issue with this pet in regards to her color. Once you learned the grimoire, you could get it in pink or blue-grey. When you logged out, you could never get the pink version again. With 6.2 arriving, I figured I would check and see if they fixed this. It was fixed!!! I can summon the pink one again! Total joy! The pink one was my favorite!
Im currently experiencing a weird bug with her...
i finally received this pet today...but every time i hearth or port i get another copy....a glitch in my favor i guess....but it is getting really annoying having to move em out of my bag every time...
She's a really good pet, perfect for taking on other humanoids with her undead attacks. Also has resistance to critters unlike undead and avoids the counter altogether that undead pets hate so much.
Bring Curse of Doom, Agony, and Lovestruck: Your opponent will get some major punishment ;)
The history of colour scheming with this pet has been a source for some confusion.
At release she could come in one of two colour morphs: one that was constantly blue-black, and one that that randomly appeared either blue-black or red each time she was summoned. Several weeks after release all (or just most?) pets already learnt were hotfixed to only appear blue-black, regardless of which version they were originally. However reports still came in of people finding her as a colour-changer. In some cases people reported that after initially appearing red, she changed to blue-black and then never changes to red again.
As of 6.2 mine are now all colour-changers and will randomly appear in either colour scheme each time they're re-summoned. I'm not sure if any can still appear static blue/black, like when they were released, or if all are colour changers now.
Just summoned my recently aquired Sister and can confirm she is both Red and Blue if summoned/dismissed as at 18 March 2015 :)
P/B breed
Edit :- Seems there may be a chance to summon this in Red after first aquiring but after logging out it stays blue ! <sigh> at least I have my screenshots !
she changes color on summoing but she doesn't change everytime. I played around with dismissing and summoning her. Very cool pet! Had an h/b drop just now.
now none of my SoT are changing to red anymore :-/ which is my favorite of the "two" color schemes...
I current have 3 sisters, one P/B and two B/B. One of the B/B is *always* blue, while the other two can summon as blue or pink. Not sure if this is just a weird quirk or intentional, but it's not tied to build as I have one that color switches and one that does not of the same breed.
Edit: After logging out and back in all my sisters now only appear as blue. Bummer.
I've done two different runs so far, & she has dropped both times. Mine is S/B. Not sure what folks are meaning "mine is pink/blue". Mine looks green, if you mean her clothes & wings. Had to take a selfie with her!! :D Giving the second one to hubby.....unless his better....
Can anyone confirm this? I have two of them, diffent breed. One is S/B and is blue. The other one is B/B and everytime I log in or switch characters, changes color. The blue one is always blue. Only the second one changes from red to blue, to red again.