
Heavy Murloc Egg
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Guards owner, twirls gun and occasionally fires off rounds from C-14 gauss rifle. Also sometimes a fires a missile, knocking himself to the ground.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (periodic and on-click)
Fights to the death with Zergling and Zeradar.
Special promotion.
BlizzCon promotion.
BlizzCon promotion.
1 allowed
Wrath of the Lich King
Patch 3.2.0 | Posted: August 21, 2009
This pet was a free gift for US and EU attendees of BlizzCon 2009. A gift card may be scratched to reveal a code allowing all current and newly created characters on the account access to this pet. Those who purchased the pay-per-view coverage to receive their pet should receive the code within 4-6 weeks.
When this pet is in close proximity to a Zergling, the two will fight to the death.
Level 0:

1-20 of 20
1-20 of 20

Don't forget to /salute your Grunty between 03/31/2018 and 04/04/2018 for a feat of strength achievement.
Never say Blizzard customer service does not care. They gave my Grunty on my new account after I lost control of my old account. I am a former USMC and am disabled so they took pity on me and I am so happy to have him back.
Got my Grunty today. Heavily armoured firepower has never looked this adorabe. <3
Just got mine yesterday! Today he is 25 pretty badass to have follow you. Mediocre in battle.
Maybe they'll add a Protoss pet to the game some day...
He's my favorite pet of all time, and a great good luck charm!
A great pet for troll hunters. :D
(btw, seriously check out his swim animation. So awesome seeing him put his gun on his back in the water.)
by a side note: i don't know if it's me?or does he realy g wild on boss encounters?eacg time i start a boss fight, he shoots like hell! would like to know if u guys see it too :D