
Murky's Little Soulstone
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Randomly breathes fire followed by a smoke ring that he jumps through.
Smouldering (constant); pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
Special promotion.
BlizzCon promotion.
BlizzCon promotion.
1 allowed
Patch 4.2.0 | Posted: October 20, 2011
This pet was a free gift for US and EU attendees of BlizzCon 2011. A gift card may be scratched to reveal a code allowing all current and newly created characters on the account access to this pet. Those who purchased the pay-per-view coverage will receive their pet upon the start of Blizzcon 2011.
Level 0:

1-14 of 14
1-14 of 14

wow - nice fire! This is one awesome pet!
Murkablo lost his fire :(
awww he's so CUUUUUTE ♥
Good pet for battles! Got a nice DOT that hurts. Plus a magic ability that is pretty good against most everything as well. Plus all the abilities are strong against different pet families which makes it good when you arent sure what you are going up against!
There is no code. A friend of mine (Who doesn't care for the pet) was going to give me his... But he received the pet in the mail already, never got a code.
So it looks like I won't be getting Murkablo. :(
This information is wrong, I already received my pet today :)