Phoenix Wishwing

Phoenix Wishwing
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Idles about. Occasionally sits down or sleeps.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 10.0.0 | Posted: March 30, 2023
To collect this pet, players will need to obtain the following materials:
The Phoenix Ash Talisman is sold by Zektar in Spires of Arak (may require some zone-campaign progression to see this NPC).
This Arakkoa vendor won't give up this talisman easily, though. In order to buy it you'll need to collect:
Note that the Glittering Phoenix Ember can only be looted from Alysrazor during Cataclysm Timewalking (Firelands raid).
Once you've purchased the talisman using the reagents listed above, and have the feathers and ashes previously mentioned, head to Tarjin the Blind on The Waking Shores to collect your new phoenix companion.
The Phoenix Ash Talisman is sold by Zektar in Spires of Arak (may require some zone-campaign progression to see this NPC).
This Arakkoa vendor won't give up this talisman easily, though. In order to buy it you'll need to collect:
Note that the Glittering Phoenix Ember can only be looted from Alysrazor during Cataclysm Timewalking (Firelands raid).
Once you've purchased the talisman using the reagents listed above, and have the feathers and ashes previously mentioned, head to Tarjin the Blind on The Waking Shores to collect your new phoenix companion.
Level 0:

1-3 of 3
1-3 of 3

Great looking pet, but I wish for the horrible grind Blizz puts you through to get it it wasn't just a recolor of two others pets you can get in Forbidden Reach.
The raid part was easy compared to the grind in Ungoro, spent 3 days there and another day killing phoenix birds. But I have the pet, many doing it to sell, price is nuts at the moment.
Very surprising how fast you can raise a 25 man raid when you add the phrase "NEW PET" to the title. Not so surprising is how many leave after Alysrazor dies.
Glittering Phoenix Ember is auto loot for everyone.