Tiny Harvester

Activates and looks around.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012
Can be found on farm fields where other harvester mobs spawn.

Confirming that the BattlPet ID glitch is still happening as of 12/21/16. I captured a common P/B which became a P/P when added to my journal. He's a fine newbie Mech that you'll probably set aside once you get better options. Still his animation is pretty hysterical when his not-insignificant Demolish wrecks the other pet. Love the model and the P/P is definitely a fun addition to your stable.
I'm having the opposite problem with Pet Tracker. Everyone is seeing P/B, but catching them and they are actually P/P. I'm actually catching what appears P/P but is actually P/B. It even says in my journal it's Power, yet the %'s it show are 20% H/45% P/20% S. :(
Came to ditto Brandondishman's comment. After reading it I battled a rare P/B. I went ahead and captured it and it was actually a P/P. Tested it again with a gray P/B and same thing - it was actually a P/P. So don't pass up those P/B's if you encounter them!
This has become my go-to anti-beast pet. Hits hard by default and if he can land Demolish on a beast then it's out of there most of the time sans bosses.
Just a note, as I have seen a few other people with the same trouble that I was having finding a P/P breed. I am using the pet tracker breeds addon to list breed when collecting pets through wild pet battles. I fought a rare P/B and caged him, when I pulled up my collection it was actually a P/P. So, make sure you aren't passing up the breed you are actually looking for due to mis-label.
Yes, I also have a hard time finding P/P breed, not even a poor quality! Okay I already have P/S and H/P. I even had a 3rd H/B, but changed it today for S/S. All rare, but I still want P/P. Sigh...maybe stupid of me. At least I level my elemental pets.
Anyone else having a hard time finding the P/P breed??
Farm your rare with one of the winter's little helpers, it's a real time saver. Launch Ice tomb first, which will kill the resurrected undesirable immediately in the third round, after you dps it with snowballs/blizzard. Then you can move right on to the next one.
P/P is the best breed. Demolish is just insane. It will literally hit for 40%+ of the enemys health every time.
P/P is the best combo for this guy. The De-Weaponized Mechanical has the exact same moveset and only comes in S/S making the any of the power breeds more ideal for the Harvester.
After Black Lamb 1st attempt rare catch, head over to Jansens stead and catch a rare H/P on my second fight. I am on fire today! Time log and check on the baby ape...
Had my 1st battle attempt at one of these guys snaked away by another player, so I found another just a short distance away, and it was a rare. Ty karma. Lol :)
I prefer not to think of the amount of time I spent trying to catch a rare. Sure, you battle them and they respawn quickly, but it took many trips because after an hour I'd get BORED of battling them and I refuse to use a stone on a common spawn. I named the H/P I eventually caught Sorrow.
The build you want depends on what abilities you want to use. If you plan to use Overtune, there's no point in going for speed (as you'll get +100% speed anyway). If you plan to use Extra Plating, you'll benefit more from being fast.
I got mine as rare H/S breed and I name it Destructor it just smokes almost anything that gets in front of it, it's a beast I LOVE IT!!!
Either P/P or S/S are usually your best options with any pet. P/S is always a decent balance too. Since Harvester has the Overtune speed boost ability, I'd recommend the P/P breed.
I actually hit a rare ( H/P ) within my first 3 fights, but none since... a few uncommons but I didn't capture.. I did randomly capture a poor H/H one because I can always stone it if I want.
Anyone really have a thought on which breed is best for the Harvester?
I must have been having a really bad day with these. I was at the farm closest to Elwynn and I killed about 30 of these. The first 20ish? Grey. Then I got an uncommon, which I captured, just in case. Smart move because the next 10ish were grey as well. At that point, I just decided to move on. Though I might go back soon, even if only to level my elementals. Who knows, maybe I'll run into my rare when I'm NOT trying! :P
Well i don't know what i was doing wrong, but it took me around 150 tries to get my rare of these tricky litlle buggers - killed over 20 Uncommons before i got my rare. Just goes to show though - good things come to those who work for them.
Really easy to get a rare one, just fight some of them and a rare will soon spawn.