
Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Flutters about.
Wing flutter (constant); vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012
Can be found in and about Andorhal.
Level 0:

This battle pet sucks. Dies so easily to every mob I have fought so far.
@Cbush 1962
I saw a blighthawk next to Bradenbrook in Val'Sharah. Thought I should get a fight since I noticed I didnt have it in my pet journal. It was a rare! with H/H stat. Then I came here and checked if it actually exists in Broken Isles since I know I have seen it before somewhere. Yes, it is originated in Eastern Plagueland. At least I didn't have to level this pet more than 2 levels :)
don't understand why people want the P/S, you don't want to outspeed on an undead pet. I can't decide whether to go H/H or H/P though. is 30 attack or like 300 health better, probably the pure breed, be tanky as owt.
Against, Tarr the Terrible, pet daily from nagrand this is a great secondary pet. Use ghostly bite, infected claw and lift off. I always start with a restless shadeling which has about a 50% time of soloing the whole battle. For 3rd pet I will bring in a random 17t-20th level pet,just for mop up and the avg of over 4000 exp gained. Many times Restling Shadeling will die just as Tarr's 3rd pet casts Lift Off;perfect,you're faster, just cast Lift Off and take no dmg.
Everytime I came looking for one, I'd find only one and it was a common. Last night there were about ten spawned and no one else around. Took me to #9 to find an uncommon and #10 was a rare.
I had problems finding this one on Area 52, my main realm. But when I used my DK on the Oceanic Realm (how I got my Minfernal), I found dozens. Grabbed the breeds I liked and I have a battle-stone waiting to upgrade one to rare when I go back to Area 52
If you're a Hunter and want to tame the matching pet, the rare in Hillsbrad Foothills named Alitus, is exactly the same.
Got this pet for it's aesthetics (one of my favorite fliers) but found that it disappears as soon as I leave the ground on a flying mount, and then does not come back until I not only land but actually get off my mount. Disappointing.
Love this guy, one of my go-to pets when there are alot of Anubisath Idols in play. Get the P/S breed, 273 speed edges out 260 speed range pets. Infected Claw really punishes Humanoids, but remember you will probably miss at least 1 or 2 times with only 85% hit(75% if sandstorm is up).
Don't be afraid to backline the pet at 50% health and "sacrifice" another pet so you can Consume Corpse and heal back up.
Clonedancer team use Cyclone, or go for Lift-Off so you can avoid stuff
First drop into Andorhal 2pm server time. Rare right off the bat. Soooo happy. (45,72)
I consider myself very lucky when I got my rare Blighthawk in B/B. I went to Western Plaguelands and found plenty of Blighthawks. I clicked the first one I saw, and it was gray, however, it had a companion with it - a rare Blighthawk B/B. My shortest pet grind so far!
two mins after i got there found a white on a peice of wall right in the middle of the fighting..
I too got mine last night on a black rat proc, a nice P/S rare after 3 battles.
After spending all day farming this pet and not finding any where they are the primary pet (due to crz zoning). I was able to find a rare as a secodary pet from a black rat. I have seen them as secondaries with squirells as well, but not with rabbits.
I got a lvl10 rare on my 5th pet battle, and it was the second to apear near the farm, came with a squirl. also the description on this pet says it flys along side your mount. it does not with me.
Really Relieved! Found one as soon as I got to the area and the secondary was a rare. Really didn't have the patience to hunt for another pet.
If you just camping and waiting for Blighthawk to spawn you will need longer time to get rare because some how the spawnning rate is long.
Fight the Black rats along the Western Pluagelands. There is high chance that Blighthawk come as secondary pets. Good luck just got my Rare H.P and H.H rare both form the black rat.
Oddly enough, I had no issue whatsoever getting this pet. I noticed an empty spot in my achievement for the EK Safari being WPL, opened my journal and went, hey, I don't have a Blighthawk! Looked on the map, thought, mmm, probably around Andorhal.
2:12 PM, found me a blue P/S about two minutes after finding a common B/B.
Thinking of him as a good pet to replace my Shadeling against Taran Zhu to dodge the Blinding Powder with Lift-Off, as well as having fairly powerful undead moves.
Perhaps these are really night-owls. I found 7 of them (C,U,C,C,C,P,U) right in Andorhal this AM around 4am server time. They didn't seem to respawn so perhaps that's why people have had trouble finding them previously (slow respawn at busy times?) Also found a couple as backline pets to rabbits and squirrels nearby but the percentage was low. I'd recommend a night session if you're having trouble getting this one.