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Unlisted WoW Companions

This page catalogs the pets that are NOT LISTED on WarcraftPets. Some have not been implemented in-game; others are not true companions.


Datamined companions shown with the ► symbol are very likely to be released in the future. Those without this symbol are unconfirmed and may never make it in-game. Updates to this list are indicated in italics.


Last update: May 3, 2024

Datamined from The War Within Alpha/Beta

  • Alabaster Stonecharger - Wild
- Zone: Isle of Dorn
  • Anub'Rekyute - Unknown
  • Arachnoid Hatchling - Wild
- Zones: Azj-Kahet, City of Threads, Hallowfall, Shadowvein Extraction Site, The Ringing Deeps
  • Arathi Chicken - Wild
- Zone: ?
  • Argos - Unknown
  • Aubergine Scootlefish - Wild
- Zone: Azj-Kahet
  • Azure Flickerfly - Wild
- Zones: Azj-Kahet, City of Threads, Hallowfall, Shadowvein Extraction Site, The Ringing Deeps
  • Bean - Unknown
  • Bedrock Stonecharger - Wild
- Zones: Dornogal, Isle of Dorn
  • Blightbud - Unknown
  • Bop - Unknown
  • Brown Leafbug - Unknown
  • Burntram - Unknown
  • Caustic Oozeling - Unknown
- Non-combat companion, cannot battle
  • Chitin Burrower - Wild
- Zones: Azj-Kahet, City of Threads, Hallowfall, Shadowvein Extraction Site, The Ringing Deeps
  • Cinderhoney Emberstinger - Unknown
  • Cinderworld Sizzlestinger - Unknown
  • Clay Stonecharger - Unknown
  • Cobalt Mosswool - Unknown
  • Cobalt Ramolith - Wild
- Zone: Isle of Dorn
  • Common Ploughworm - Wild
- Zones: Azj-Kahet, City of Threads, Hallowfall, Shadowvein Extraction Site, The Ringing Deeps
  • Dalaran Sewer Turtle - Unknown
  • Ebon Ploughworm - Wild
- Zones: Azj-Kahet, City of Threads, Hallowfall, Shadowvein Extraction Site, The Ringing Deeps
  • Faithful Dog - Unknown
  • Fallowspark Glowfly - Wild
- Zones: Dornogal, Hallowfall, Isle of Dorn, The Ringing Deeps
  • Fathom Incher - Unknown
  • Flash - Promotional
- The War Within Epic Edition
  • Fragrant Stonelamb - Wild
- Zone: Isle of Dorn
  • Frenzied Bloodtick - Unknown
  • Fringe - Unknown
  • Fuzzy - Unknown
  • Gale - Promotional
- The War Within Epic Edition
  • Ghostcap Menace - Wild
- Zones: Hallowfall, Isle of Dorn, The Ringing Deeps
  • Granite Ramolith - Wild
- Zone: Isle of Dorn
  • Green Stagshell - Unknown
- Non-combat companion, cannot battle
  • Greenlands Chicken - Wild
- Zone: ?
  • Hallowed Glowfly - Unknown
  • Illskitter - Drop
- Drops from: ?
  • Itchbite - Unknown
  • Jump Jump - Unknown
  • Kaheti Bull Worm - Unknown
  • Kobold Fist-Thrower - Drop
- Drops from Delve's Bountiful Coffer and Bountiful Treasure Trove
  • Lil' Bonechewer - Unknown
  • Lil' Flameo - Unknown
  • Lil' Moss Rosy - Unknown
- Previously named Rosewool Protolamb
  • Loamy - Unknown
  • Magmashell Crawler - Wild
- Zones: Dornogal, The Ringing Deeps
  • Meek Bloodlasher - Wild
- Zones: Hallowfall, Isle of Dorn, The Ringing Deeps
  • Moss Skipper - Unknown
  • Mossy Snail - Unknown
  • Nightfarm Growthling - Unknown
  • Nightshade - Vendor
- Purchased from Sir Finley Mrgglton
- Zone: Dornogal
- Costs: 2000 Undercoin
  • Obsidian Weave-rat - Unknown
  • Oop'lajax - Treasure
- Looted from: Disturbed Soil
- Zone: Azj-Kahet
- Previously named Argent Scootlefish
  • Pillarnest Bonedrinker - Unknown
  • Pinkskin Burrower - Unknown
  • Purple Stagshell - Unknown
- Non-combat companion, cannot battle
  • Rak-Ush Battleshell - Unknown
- Non-combat companion, cannot battle
  • Rak-Ush Threadling - Quest
- Reward from: ?
  • Redthroat Skipling - Unknown
  • Remembered Construct - Vendor
- Purchased from Remembrancer Amuul
- Zone: Dalaran
- Costs: 25
  • Remembered Riverpaw - Vendor
- Purchased from Remembrancer Amuul
- Zone: Dalaran
- Costs: 25
  • Remembered Spawn - Vendor
- Purchased from Remembrancer Amuul
- Zone: Dalaran
- Costs: 25
  • Sandstone Mosswool - Wild
- Zones: Dornogal, Isle of Dorn
- Previously named Sandstone Protolamb
  • Sandstone Ramolith - Unknown
  • Sceaduthax - Unknown
  • Shadowbog Hopper - Unknown
  • Shadowy Oozeling - Wild
- Zone: Azj-Kahet
  • Shale Mosswool - Wild
- Zone: Isle of Dorn
  • Skippy - Unknown
  • Skittish Sniffler - Unknown
  • Slim - Unknown
  • Sneef - Unknown
  • Snuffling - Unknown
  • Spearmint Snuffling - Unknown
  • Spinner - Unknown
  • Starkstripe Hopper - Unknown
  • Subterranean Dartswog - Wild
- Zones: Azj-Kahet, City of Threads, Hallowfall, Isle of Dorn, The Ringing Deeps
  • Tan Stagshell - Unknown
- Non-combat companion, cannot battle
  • Thunder - Unknown
  • Thundo - Promotional
- The War Within Epic Edition
  • Tiberius - Unknown
  • Troglofrog - Wild
- Zones: Azj-Kahet, City of Threads, Deepforge Golemworks, Hallowfall, Isle of Dorn, The Ringing Deeps
  • Umbral Amalgam- Wild
- Zone: Hallowfall
  • Vanilla - Unknown
  • Venomwing - Unknown
  • Verdant Scootlefish - Wild
- Zone: Azj-Kahet
  • Vibrant Glowfly - Wild
- Zones: Azj-Kahet, City of Threads, Hallowfall, Isle of Dorn, Shadowvein Extraction Site, The Ringing Deeps
  • Vile Bloodtick - Unknown
  • Voidling Ooze - Wild
- Zone: Azj-Kahet
  • Waddles - Unknown
  • Waxwick - Unknown
  • Webbers - Unknown
  • Winged Arachnoid - Unknown
  • Wriggle - Unknown
  • Writhing Transmutagen - Unknown
- Non-combat companion, cannot battle

Datamined from 10.2.7 PTR

Astral Emperor's Serpentling - Achievement

- Reward from Pandaria: Remix - Timeless Isle
- Not cageable, unique
  • Blub - Trading Post
- Previously datamined from 10.1.5 PTR
- Currently shares same/similar model and name to WotLK Classic-only pet (Glub) reward from 6-month subscription
- Not cageable, unique
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Not listed in Pet Journal

Muskpaw Calf - Achievement

- Reward from Pandaria: Remix - Townlong Steppes
- Not cageable, unique
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Not listed in Pet Journal

Datamined from 10.2.5 PTR

- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Not listed in Pet Journal

Datamined from 10.1 PTR

- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Not listed in Pet Journal
- Not listed in Pet Journal

Datamined from 10.0.5 PTR

Datamined from Dragonflight Alpha & Beta

- Previously earned from the "Good Things Come in Small Packages" collecting achievement (2000 unique pets)
- No longer listed as an achievement or in the Pet Journal

Datamined from 9.1.5 PTR

- Previously named Trouble
- No longer listed in the Pet Journal (both live and PTR)

Datamined from 8.2 PTR

- Currently not listed in Pet Journal
- Bind On Pick Up

Datamined from 8.1 PTR

- From quest 'Be More Uniform'
- Zone: Tiragarde Sound
- Bind on Pick Up
- As of Patch 8.1 release no longer available or in Pet Journal

Datamined from Patch 7.3 PTR

- "Drop: PH"
- Currently not listed in Pet Journal

Datamined from Legion Alpha

- Drops from Son of Goredome
- Zone: Stormheim
- Bind on Pick Up
- As of Beta no longer in Pet Journal

Datamined from Warlords of Draenor Alpha/Beta

- Bind on Use
  • Runtish Gronnling - Unknown
- "Your Attitude"
- Bind on Use


The following list of companions were datamined and may become available to players in the future.

Unavailable to Players

The following list of companions were datamined and found to be unavailable to players.

Not True Companions

The following list of companion/items includes those which are not true vanity pets. We only list the most commonly mistaken entities — this is not a complete list.

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