Mastr's Comments
(12) comments by
Status Update (1)
Additional Comments by Date (11)
Just do all the LFR each week, doesn't take that long and the rep piles up fast
LFR counts so make sure to do them all each week.
They won't appear the first time you get sent to Zuldazar, you have to go back. I didn't go back till after finishing the main quest line which isn't too long after you go there.
I completed the achievement and did not recieve the pet. I submitted a ticket and was told it is a known issue and is due to be fixed in a future patch.
When I earned this I was unable to find it in my pet journal or under achievements. The only way to summon this pet right now is to drag pet icon that appears when you get notified to your action bar.
Would it be possible to permanently exclude pets? Some pets are EU or Korea only for example, and they showed back up on my wanted list. It would be nice if these stayed excluded so we don't have to manually exclude them every month.
Thanks for all your work keeping this site up!!
It's down below the bridge in a cave thats hard to see from above. Jump down and you will see it. Its at 59.56 44.98
Just do one timewalking dungeon each holiday per toon and you get 500 plus a few. You'll have the pet in just over a month for running 4-5 instances.
Not bad at all.
Thrilled to hear this!
Been away from forums for a while and didn't know they were considering this. I'm so glad I don't need to grind all my pets to epic. It's like adding more rep to all the factions I've grinded and calling it new content.
No thank you to simply adding more grinding.
Yes please to more innovative and creative ways to earn pets!
I think its great everyone can have a murloc pet now.
Huge thanks to all the people who posted those battle pet strats over the years!